Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Go to Next input of Enter click also disable Submit on Enter Click for Other than Submit-Button Click

Following is the Javascript Code to Disable default submit on controls other than button and rather go to next control on "enter click"

and also the focus will only got the controls which are not disabled, hidden or readonly.

This is very useful to get desktop like functionality in web pages where mouse should be used less or not used, improving user experience and performance of the page.

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function disablesubmitandgotonext() {
 var ctrls = $("input:not(:hidden):not([readonly]):not([disabled]),radio:not([readonly]):not([disabled]),text:not([readonly]):not([disabled])");
 ctrls.each(function (i, elem) {
 var $input = $(this);
 $input.keydown(function (event) {
 if (event.keyCode == 13 && $(this).attr('type') != 'submit') {
 ctrls.eq((i + 1)).focus(200);
 return false;
 return true;

 //Go to Next input of Enter click also disable Submit on Enter Click for Other than Submit-Button Click
 function () {
// this is to focus on first contron while pageload

 $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlAssetGroupID_chosen .chosen-single").focus();

 Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(function (sender, e) {

T-Sql Interview Questions

  1. What are DMVs? - Dynamic Management Views (DMVs), are functions that give you information on the state of the server. DMVs, for the most part, are used to monitor the health of a server. They really just give you a snapshot of what’s going on inside the server. They let you monitor the health of a server instance, troubleshoot major problems and tune the server to increase performance.
  2. Define a temp table - In a nutshell, a temp table is a temporary storage structure. What does that mean? Basically, you can use a temp table to store data temporarily so you can manipulate and change it before it reaches its destination format.
  3. What’s the difference between a local  temp table and a global temp table? - Local tables are accessible to a current user connected to the server. These tables disappear once the user has disconnected from the server. Global temp tables, on the other hand, are available to all users regardless of the connection. These tables stay active until all the global connections are closed.
  4. How do you use transactions? - In general, there are three types of transactions that you can use in the SQL Server environment: BEGIN TRANSACTION, ROLL BACK TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION. The gist behind deploying transactions is that they allow you to group multiple SQL commands into a single unit. From there, each transaction begins with a certain task, and ends when all the tasks within the transaction are complete. BEGIN TRANSACTION gets the ball rolling. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION functions a lot like an “undo” command, and COMMIT TRANSACTION completes all of the tasks within that transaction.
  5. What’s the difference between a clustered and a non-clustered index? - A clustered index directly affects the way tabled data is stored on a specific disk. This means that when a clustered index is used, data is stored in sequential rows based on the index column value. This is why a table can only contain a single clustered index. Non-clustered indexes directly affect the way physical data is stored and managed within SQL Server.
  6. What are DBCC commands? - In very basic terms the Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) is used to aid in server maintenance. DBCC commands, many of which are completely undocumented, provide a set of commands that let you perform routing maintenance, status and validation checks. The most common DBCC commands are: DBCC CHECKALLOC (Lets you check disk allocation); DBCC OPENTRAN (Lets you check any open transactions); and DBCC HELP (shows a list of available DBCC commands to aid your server maintenance processes).
  7. Describe the difference between truncate and delete - The difference between these two processes is fairly simple. Truncate means to simply empty out a table. On the other hand, the delete command lets you delete entire rows from within a table, but not all of the data within that table.
  8. What is a view? - A view is simply a virtual table that is made up of elements of multiple physical or “real” tables. Views are most commonly used to join multiple tables together, or control access to any tables existing in background server processes.
  9. What is a Query Execution Plan? - SQL Server has several built-in tools that optimize how queries are executed within their databases. A query execution plan is exactly what it sounds like – a snapshot of how the optimizing tools will execute and deploy specific queries within the database. This service helps you troubleshoot problems with jobs that don’t necessarily execute perfectly.
  10. What is the default port number for SQL Server? - While this is kind of a softball question – if you know anything about SQL Server you should at least know the basic configuration options – it’s an important one to nail in the interview. Basically, when SQL Server is enabled the server instant listens to the TCP port 1433.
  11.  How to use sql query to copy only structure?
    Ans: select * into table2 from table1 where 1 = 2
  12.  How do we handle Error?
    Ans: I think we can use @@Error. Right after the query condition is executed we can check for @@Error <> 0, if it is not returning zero mean some error occured. Raiserror is another command for raising error We can also use Try catch block 
  13. What is PatIndex?
    Ans: Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a specified expression, or zeros if the pattern is not found
    Syntax - PATINDEX ( '%pattern%' , expression )
    Eg: USE AdventureWorks;
    USE AdventureWorks;
    SELECT PATINDEX('%ensure%',DocumentSummary)
    FROM Production.Document
    WHERE DocumentID = 3;
  14. How to query a string contains %?
    Ans: SELECT Name FROM tblPlayer WHERE Name Like '%[''%'']' 
  15. How to get values from a table with comma seperated?
    Ans: declare @vName nvarchar(100)
    set @vName = ''
    select @vName = @vName + ','+ [Name] from HumanResources.Shift
    select @vName 
  16. How to update 'Yes' to 'No' and viceversa in a query?
    Ans: Update tablename set ColumnName1 = (case ColumnName1 when 'Yes'
    then 'No'else 'Yes' end) 
  17. Consider you have a table with columns ID(primary key), Country and State.
    Now if you have some rows with combination of country and state repeating,
    ie, two rows with combination India, Kerala. Write a query for deleting
    duplicate records?

    Ans: With T1 as
    (Select *,Row_Number() over (partition by Country, State order by ID)
    as 'RowNo' From TableName)
    Delete from T1 where RowNo > 1; 
  18. How to create temporary table? How do we apply noncluster index? What is nolock? When and where is nolock applied normally?

    Ans. Two ways of creating temporary table with non clusterindex applied on it. Also example shows how to apply "nolock". nolock is normally applied while querying on production servers. This would make the records being queried sharable on the table. ie, will not prevent other queries from querying the same record parallely on same table. The risk will be nolock might return junk data some times because the select query might be querying the table while some other insertion or updation commands are performed on the table.

    CREATE TABLE #tmpTable
    OfficeName varchar(50)
    , officeid int
    , CustID int
    , AgentID int
    , mlsid varchar(4)
    , RequestMoreDetails int null
    , Emails int null

    , officeid
    , o.CustID
    , AgentID -
    , o.mlsid
    , PrintBrochure_Views = null
    , RequestMoreDetails = null
    , Emails = null
    into #ForOffices from #Offices o
    LEFT JOIN dbo.planparts WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON bppa.officeid = o.RID
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX #IX_DW_Listings ON #ForOffices(AgentID) 
  19. Another simple example for using temporary table.
        Also how to split a single column in to multiple columns based on column value.
        Here date_format function format date to yyyymm format.
        period_diff function returns number of months between two date parameters passed. Also parameter expect value in either yymm or yyyymm format.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Few Interview Questions.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a product that combines the SQL Server database engine and a front end GUI that users and programmers can use to create reports. The latest version of SSRS was released with SQL Server 2012, but SSRS was also included with SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008. You might need to know several versions to work in some companies, but most companies stick with the same version of SQL Server for several years to avoid production problems with its database. To get started in the industry, you need to answer some technical questions regarding SSRS. Here are some questions that you might run into when you go for your next job interview.

1) Do you create your reports using the wizard or manually?
As with most Microsoft tools, SSRS includes a wizard that helps you create reports. The wizard is great for people who are new to the product, but it’s not good if you can’t go beyond the tools and create a report from scratch. Before you go for your interviews, make sure you can create a report from scratch without any wizards or tools to create them for you. Most companies need someone who can customize reports, and wizards leave room for very little customizations.

2) What are query parameters?
Query parameters are the parts of an SQL query that allow you to filter results. Parameters are contained in the SQL’s “where” clause. These parameters tell the SQL server which records you want to update, select, or delete. In other words, if it wasn’t for the where clause parameters, you would affect all records in your tables.

3) What is a sub-report?
Sub-reports are inserted into a main report. Just like a main report, you also pass parameters and queries to it. Think of a sub-report as an extension to your main report, but it contains a different data set. For instance, you could create a report of customers and then use a sub-report to display a list of orders for each customer.
4) What are RDL files?
RDL files are like the “language” for SSRS servers. However, RDL files are created in XML, so really the “language” of SSRS servers is XML. RDL files contain the queries and layout format for your reports.

5) What is a data set?
Data sets are the components that contain your records. You can have a blank data set, a data set with one record, or a data set with millions of records (although millions of records will probably cause performance issues for your users). You can view a data set like a customized table. The data set has the columns and rows like a table, but you determine the columns and number of rows using your SQL statements.

6) What is a data source?
A data source is the database and tables where your data set comes from. You must define the data source when you create your database connection. Every data set needs a source from which to pull the data. Your reporting server can be SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012.

7) What servers can be used with SSRS?
While most companies use SQL Server with SSRS, you can also integrate other database servers with your SSRS reports. SSRS is compatible with Oracle, ODBC and OLEDB connections, Hyperion, Teradata and flat XML files that contain data.

8) What is mixed mode database security?
When you install SQL Server, you have the option to allow SQL Server to integrate with Windows or require users to have a separate SQL Server user name and password. While Windows integration is convenient, it’s not considered the most secure of the two security options. Instead, it’s better to require a separate SQL Server user name and password when logging in to the database server. Your reports will need their own user name and password to run reports from SSRS.

9) Can SSRS reports cache results?
Caching reports makes it much faster for users to access and view data. If you have common data that doesn’t change often, it’s best to cache results. SSRS lets you cache reports on your reporting server. This means that it reduces the load on the SQL Server and your users can quickly access data without querying the server several times.

10) What formats can SSRS export or render to?
SSRS is compatible with several file formats. When the user runs the report, the default format prints to the web browser. You can also save or export to HTML, Excel, CSV, Image, PDF and XML formats. The SSRS reporting software has buttons at the top of each report that the user can use to export these files.

11) How do you deploy a report to a reporting server?
The SSRS reporting software includes tools to deploy directly to the SQL Server reporting server. After you’ve configured your software with the proper SQL Server, user name and password, you just need to right-click the report you want to deploy and click “Deploy.” Make sure you test the report after you deploy it to ensure there are no bugs and that the data returned is correct.

12) How do you edit a report?
Open SQL Server Management Studio and the reporting project. Expand the node that contains your reports. Right-click the report and click “Edit.” You can also save your reporting file from this view.
This is a dozen possible questions you could be asked in an SSRS interview, but it’s best to brush up on the tools and information you’ll need when you’re on the job. SSRS is not tough to learn, but the nervousness of an interview can affect your ability to answer questions. Make sure you practice before the interview.

13) What are the different kinds of SSRS Reports?
Reports can be categorized into operational and analytical reports. The distinction is based on the source of data and level of analysis facilitated by any particular report. Operational reports are based on OLTP sources and are static reports and Analytical reports are based on OLAP sources and generally facilitate drill-down and drill-through for analysis. Technically, SSRS reports can be categorized into parameterized, linked, snapshot, cached, etc...
14) What are parameterized reports? What are cascading parameters in SSRS reports?
Reports that accept parameters from users to fetch and report data conditionally, are known as parameterized reports. When you have multiple parameters in a report and values of different parameters are dependent and populated dynamically based on the value of parent parameters, it's known as a cascading parameter.
15) How would you go about developing a SSRS report?
General development methodology for a SSRS report is to start by creating a data source. Based on the data source create one or multiple datasets as needed for parameters and the body of the report. Add required controls from the toolbox which would act as a container for the fields in the dataset. Format the controls added to the report body.  Verify and validate the report and finally deploy the report.
16) What is a dataset and what are the different types of datasets?
A dataset is similar to a query definition, which is executed when the report is executed. Datasets are of two types: Shared and Embedded. An embedded dataset is private to the report in which it exists and shared datasets can be shared across reports.
17) Would you store your query in a SSRS report or a Database server? State the reason why.
Storing SQL queries directly in text format in the dataset, should be avoided. Ideally it should be stored in a stored procedure in the database server. The benefit is that the SQL would be in a compiled format in a SP and brings all the benefits of using an SP compared to using an ad-hoc query from the report.
18) What is Tablix?
A Tablix can be seen as a control with combined capabilities of a table and a matrix, which facilitates asymmetric and flexible, row and column level, static and dynamic groupings.
19) How would you access SSRS reports deployed on report server?
Reports Manager is the most straight-forward way to access SSRS reports deployed on report server. Apart from executing the reports, it is the main administration console for SSRS server to manage reports.
20) Have you used the Report Viewer control / web part? What are the limitations?
The report viewer control / web part is the basic control to integrate SSRS reports with external applications. Using these interface applications can link and display SSRS reports within the application. The parameters toolbar in these controls have a limited programmable interface to decorate and blend it with the theme of the application.
21) Which is the latest version of SSRS and what are the new enhancements?
SSRS 2008 R2 is the latest RTM version of SSRS. Rich data visualizations, better programming functions for lookup and aggregation, improved performance and better control over exported data are some of the major enhancements.

22) What is Report Builder?
Report Builder is an ad-hoc report authoring tool primarily targeted to be used by business analysts to facilitate self-service report authoring. Report Builder 3.0 is the latest version available as of date.
23) How would you deploy SSRS Reports using out-of-box functionality and how can you automate SSRS report deployment?
Business Intelligence Development Studio is generally used to deploy SSRS reports. There is no out-of-box support in SSRS to automate reports deployment, but free third-party products like RSScripter can be used for this.
24) What is drill-down and drill-through in SSRS?
Drill-down is a mechanism of decomposing summarized information to a detailed level. Drill-through is a mechanism of decomposing the problem by drilling information generally using more than one report.