Friday, January 17, 2014

Visual Studio Shortcuts

General Short Cuts:

Ctrl-X or Shift-Delete or Ctrl-L: Cuts entire line or Cuts the currently selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl-Del: Delete next "word"
Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert: Copies the currently selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert: Pastes the item from the clipboard at the cursor location
Ctrl-Z or Alt-Backspace: Undo the previous editing action
Ctrl-Space: To see intelligence dialog
Ctrl-Y or Ctrl-Shift-Z: Redo the previous undo action
Ctrl-S: Saves the current selected file
Ctrl-Shift-S: Saves all files and projects
Ctrl-P: Displays the Print dialog
F7: Switches from the design view to the code view in the editor
Shift-F7: Switches from the code view to the design view in the editor
Shift-F8 or F8: Navigate to compile time errors
Alt-Shift-A: Add Existing Item(file) to selected project
Ctrl-Shift-A: Add New Item(file) to selected project
Shift-F9: Display the selected item quick output means contains value while debugging
F12: Moves the cursor to the selected method, variable, class definition.
Shift-F12: Finds the reference to the selected method, variable, class or the item under the cursor
Ctrl-}: Match curly braces, brackets or compiler directives
Ctrl-Shift-}: Select text between matched braces, brackets or compiler directives

Text manipulation Shortcut Description:

Tab: Indents the currently selected line or lines by one tab stop. If there is no selection, this inserts a tab stop
Tab-Tab: Complete the syntax of an item. Example- Write for and now press Tab-Tab, then for loop syntax will be automatically completed. Similarly it works for property, index, class syntax.
Shift-Tab: Moves current line or selected lines one tab stop to the left
Backspace or Shift-Backspace: Deletes one character to the left of the cursor
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-C: Marks the current line or selected lines of code as a comment, using the correct comment syntax for the programming language
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U: Removes the comment syntax from the current line or currently selected lines of code
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-D: Do proper alignment of all the code of design view and code view
Ctrl-T or Shift-Enter: Swaps the characters on either side of the cursor. (For example, AC|BD becomes AB|CD.) Available only in text editors
Ctrl-U: Changes the selected text to lowercase characters
Ctrl-Shift-U: Changes the selected text to uppercase characters
Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow: Select the entire word with space from start to end
Ctrl-Right Arrow: Move the cursor in forward direction word by word
Shift-End: Select the entire line from start to end
Shift-Home: Select the entire line from end to start
Shift-Alt-Arrows or Alt-Mouse: Column wise text selection for text manipulation
Ctrl-Delete: Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-Backspace: Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl-G: Jump to line number or go to line

Project related Shortcut Description:

Ctrl-Shift-B: Builds the solution
Ctrl-N: Displays the New File dialog. Note: files created this way are not associated with a project. Use Ctrl-Shift-A to add a new file in a project
Ctrl-Shift-N: Displays the New Project dialog
Ctrl-O: Displays the Open File dialog
Ctrl-Shift-O: Displays the Open Project dialog
Ctrl-M-O: Collapse all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file
Ctrl-M-P or Ctrl-M-L: Expands all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file
Ctrl-F: Displays the Find dialog
Ctrl-H: Displays the Replace dialog
Ctrl-Shift-F: Find the reference of selected item into entire solution.
Ctrl-Tab: Move from one opened file to another opened file in visual studio.
F9: Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line
Ctrl-F9: Enables or disables the breakpoint on the current line of code. The line must already have a breakpoint for this to work
F5: Runs the code with invoking the debugger.
Ctrl-F5: Runs the code without invoking the debugger.
F4 or Alt-Enter: Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties and events for the currently selected item
Ctrl-Alt-S: Displays the Server Explorer window, which allows you to view and manipulate database servers, event logs, message queues, web services, and many other operating system services
Ctrl-Alt-L: Displays the Solution Explorer, which lists the projects and files in the current solution
Ctrl-Alt-X: Displays the Toolbox, which contains controls and other items that can be dragged into editor and designer windows
Ctrl-Alt-I: Displays the Immediate window, where you can find the controls or variables values or can do data manipulation during debugging