Thursday, April 10, 2014

Passing Multiple and Integer Values to Dynamic Query in SQL

In this Post I am going to explain how to filter data in dynamic query in this particular case dynamic pivoting using int variables.

Here is the stored procedure with variables as filters for dynamic query.

Create PROCEDURE skhpReportVillagewisemonthly
    @Fiscalyear int=null,
    @level int =null
Declare @Columns nvarchar(max)
Declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
select @Columns=
COALESCE(@Columns+', ','')+QUOTENAME (VillageID)
from (select VillageID from skhpvillage
) as M
Order By M.VillageID

Set @SQL='
with pivotdata as
select VillageID,
from skhpviewDemandBillDetail
where levelid=@level

select Monthid,'+@Columns+' from PivotData
SUM(ActualUnit) for VillageID in (' + @Columns + ')
) as pivotresult
exec sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL, N'@level int,@Fiscalyear int', @level,@Fiscalyear

In the above example
  @Fiscalyear int=null,
    @level int =null 

are the variable for the data filter in Dynamic Query.

Here is the code where Filter is used using the variable.
Set @SQL='
with pivotdata as
select VillageID,
from skhpviewDemandBillDetail
where levelid=@level

To Pass the variable to the dynamic query we use exec sp_ExecuteSQL  where we can define variables and send the values as below.
exec sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL, N'@level int,@Fiscalyear int', @level,@Fiscalyear

Keep reading my blog for more such queries and feel free to leave comments. 
Gautam Kumar Gupta