As the customer have already experienced many fast loading and fast responsive web site; Any thing slower is simply not ecceptable to the clients or users of the web site or web applications.
First Thing to take care for the web page optimization for asp .net web site is the "front end" .
All the time to load the controls in the page is what makes the user less interested and may result in loosing the user or customer.
Controls Used for the design and Pictures takes the major amount of size and load on the web site. These should Optimized first for the better Performance. Server side code has very less to do with the Performance of the web page although its not that server side code has nothing to do with the Performance.
As developers, we have to keep in mind what Steve Souders wrote (in High Performance Web Sites): we should “optimize frontend performance first, because that’s where 80% or more of the end-user response time is spent.” Using this rule, you can deduce that if 80% of the download time is spent on the front end, and you cut that in half, you reduce response times by 40%. If you cut the back-end performance in half, you gain only a 10% increase in response times.
First Thing to take care for the web page optimization for asp .net web site is the "front end" .
All the time to load the controls in the page is what makes the user less interested and may result in loosing the user or customer.
Controls Used for the design and Pictures takes the major amount of size and load on the web site. These should Optimized first for the better Performance. Server side code has very less to do with the Performance of the web page although its not that server side code has nothing to do with the Performance.
As developers, we have to keep in mind what Steve Souders wrote (in High Performance Web Sites): we should “optimize frontend performance first, because that’s where 80% or more of the end-user response time is spent.” Using this rule, you can deduce that if 80% of the download time is spent on the front end, and you cut that in half, you reduce response times by 40%. If you cut the back-end performance in half, you gain only a 10% increase in response times.