Completing a software project may feel lot easier some time than implementing them. This case is very much true if the case is of client with low it knowledge or users are of the age of your father or even grand fathers. In some government clients i personally got frustated due to their resistance for the change in their working culture as earlier using papers for every task was seem alor easier for them than this alien concept of having no paper.
"I am going to retire in few months why should i learn this new software." One of my user said to me took me for breakfast leaving the work table. What can you answer to that grandpa?
In other cases the users are against that you have been assigned for the project not one of his previous dealer or relative, so he is total non cooprrative and will give as low detail as possible initially and after generating out put he will say that your output is wrong. You go for every details minutely again and find that he didn't informed you of some details. You get frustated but still you re do all the task. But you wont get the correct report yet because he is still hiding some detail and this process goes for month untill manager gets frustated and replaces the coordinator or closes the project. In any case your reputation is going down.
"I am going to retire in few months why should i learn this new software." One of my user said to me took me for breakfast leaving the work table. What can you answer to that grandpa?
In other cases the users are against that you have been assigned for the project not one of his previous dealer or relative, so he is total non cooprrative and will give as low detail as possible initially and after generating out put he will say that your output is wrong. You go for every details minutely again and find that he didn't informed you of some details. You get frustated but still you re do all the task. But you wont get the correct report yet because he is still hiding some detail and this process goes for month untill manager gets frustated and replaces the coordinator or closes the project. In any case your reputation is going down.