Every career has its challenges and upportunities, same is with asp .net developers. Their is always new task to accomplish and their challanges are uncertain.
Not every ideas gets accomplished as there is always client delivery pressure and deadlines to meet.
Projects are bigger and complex. Knowledge required are many to sustain in the field. Few most important are jquery, css, html, xml, json, sql, mvc, c#, webservices, javascript. Mastering all is other challenging part of the career nut yet we need to go through all of this. So that any of these can be used when needed and is needed most of the time.
Major tasks as developer in asp .net includes mis development for many domains.
Majority of industry are dependent on information and mis is the most for all to compete. These infomation system are now vastly migrating to web technologies and asp is one of the top choises of the development because of its vast library and support.
Real time systems is also possible now due to signalr with the release of .net frame work 4.5 and hence have increasing the scope of the technology.
This trend of enhancement in .net technology in every now and then also have made the market of asp .net development more preferable.
But any break in development career may that be of few months can make you get going from the industry as practice and knowledge required to be continuous in this industry to sustain the competition. Be that be in full time job or in freelancing. Although freelancing has not as much upportunities as it provides for php developers.
Problem solving skill and on site solution finding is another challenge for developera as there may be bug even after delivery and also after all the testings. On site solution provided may be temporary for the system to run instantly but you need to find a permanent solution for such problems or bugs and deliver them to customer as their working and business depends on this.
Not every ideas gets accomplished as there is always client delivery pressure and deadlines to meet.
Projects are bigger and complex. Knowledge required are many to sustain in the field. Few most important are jquery, css, html, xml, json, sql, mvc, c#, webservices, javascript. Mastering all is other challenging part of the career nut yet we need to go through all of this. So that any of these can be used when needed and is needed most of the time.
Major tasks as developer in asp .net includes mis development for many domains.
Majority of industry are dependent on information and mis is the most for all to compete. These infomation system are now vastly migrating to web technologies and asp is one of the top choises of the development because of its vast library and support.
Real time systems is also possible now due to signalr with the release of .net frame work 4.5 and hence have increasing the scope of the technology.
This trend of enhancement in .net technology in every now and then also have made the market of asp .net development more preferable.
But any break in development career may that be of few months can make you get going from the industry as practice and knowledge required to be continuous in this industry to sustain the competition. Be that be in full time job or in freelancing. Although freelancing has not as much upportunities as it provides for php developers.
Problem solving skill and on site solution finding is another challenge for developera as there may be bug even after delivery and also after all the testings. On site solution provided may be temporary for the system to run instantly but you need to find a permanent solution for such problems or bugs and deliver them to customer as their working and business depends on this.